Explore OUr Recipe Collections

Take the decision making out of your next meal. Whether it's for a weeknight dinner or a special occasion, our collections have a variety of choices for everyone!

see all recipe collections on Beef. It's What's For Dinner. 

A few common ingredients come together for dinner in less than 30 minutes

Enjoy one of America's favorite - the burger - with these burger recipes.

Delicious recipes without breaking the bank.

Save time on cleanup with these delicious one dish meals.

Beef up your protein intake.

These recipes show no signs of the previous night’s roast, but they're equally delicious!

Enjoy these recipes that tastefully combine a variety of food groups.

There's a reason it's a classic.

Giive these tasty breakfast recipes a try and let us know if you love 'em as much as we do!

Turn meal time into fiesta time.